New Levels of Support to Meet You Where You Are
As an early childhood educator, you know that each child has their own unique learning needs. You meet each child where they are and provide the support to help them develop, grow and learn to their fullest potential. At Quality First, our goal is to support you, the early childhood educator, as you develop and grow your program to the highest possible quality. That means meeting you where you are and helping you reach your goals for quality improvement. And that’s why we are excited to launch improvements to your system of support beginning July 1, 2023.
Introducing Three levels of Support
All participants will be moved into one of three new levels of support. Each level provides a system of support that matches your needs on your quality improvement journey. Your level will be determined by your star rating and program type as of April 1, 2023. If you’re new to Quality First and don’t have a rating yet, don’t worry. You’ll be moved into a level once your star rating is final.

Pursuing Quality
Programs at this level are earlier in their quality improvement journey. They are working toward quality in their early learning settings. The goal of this level is to provide the highest amount of support to help programs make quality improvements.
Achieving Quality
Programs at this level have achieved quality in their settings, but they still have room to grow. The goal of this level is to provide a mid-level of support to help participants keep advancing their quality practices.
Continuing Quality
Programs at this level are focused on maintaining their high-quality practices. The goal of this level is to provide an ongoing level of support that to help programs sustain their quality.
If you have questions about Quality First’s levels of support, don’t hesitate to contact us. Connect with us at or 602.771.5000.