Quality First Blog, Tips and Inspiration

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board blog

Cooking and Sharing: Providing high-quality nutrition in your program

Early childhood educators can help influence children’s healthy eating habits. Sharing a variety of new, nutritious foods with children encourages them to try different flavors, textures and food they may not get to experience at home.  Many early learning programs want high-quality nutrition as part of their programming, but they may rely on families to

child playing

Help is Here: New System Supports for Arizona’s Early Childhood Programs

The COVID-19 pandemic brought significant losses and serious challenges to Arizona’s children and families. It also highlighted the needs of early childhood providers around the state. Fortunately, new funding made possible by federal and state investments are providing much-needed relief to support child care in our state. Supports include: Expansion of Quality First The budget

july blog

Returning to Child Care: Big Feelings, Common Behaviors and Practical Strategies for Teachers

By Lara Scott, M.Ed., LPC It’s August, which means many young children and teachers across Arizona are returning to child care centers and home programs after extended time away during the pandemic. Others are coming to the early learning setting for the first time. These transitions often result in an array of feelings such as


Engaging Families in Your Quality Improvement Process

Quality improvement involves reflecting on your practice, developing plans for improvement, taking action toward your goals and making adaptations along the way. Whether you are a business owner, program director, classroom teacher or caregiver, how you involve families in your improvement efforts can make a big difference in your success. Here are four ideas to


Cozy, comforting and clean: Providing softness in today’s early learning settings

The early learning environment is a hub of excitement and energy that includes spaces for young children to actively learn through different types of play. As important as it is to include a variety of stimulating activities for children, it’s just as important to include space for relaxation, comfort and being calm, often referred to


Child Care Health Consultants help your program achieve healthier environments for children

It’s not easy maintaining a healthy environment for young children. As a child care director or owner, you may need additional support to achieve best health and safety practices in your program. As a Quality First participant, you have access to this kind of help. Quality First offers you the services of Child Care Health


Making the most of your informal assessment feedback

The Quality First Assessment team provides informal assessment to offer objective feedback using the updated, third editions of the Environment Rating Scales (ERS) tools. This opportunity is available to licensed child care providers, including family child care and center-based programs serving children birth to age 5 in Arizona.  Informal assessment provides you the opportunity to