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Three changes coming soon to Child Care Health Consultation

Three changes coming soon to Child Care Health Consultation

At Quality First, we are excited to share that we are making updates to the Child Care Health Consultant (CCHC) service model. These updates will support your continued journey in quality health practices. CCHCs will continue to work with you to provide individualized health and safety support.

What will this look like for your program?

Each program will receive a set amount of onsite consultation hours with your CCHC. The amount of hours will be based on your Quality First level of support. You will no longer have to decide which tier level of CCHC services you would like, but instead you will receive that dedicated time for health and safety support.

The amount of hours for each level of support are:

In order to evaluate the current status of your health and safety practices, your CCHC will partner with you to conduct a Health and Safety Assessment. This will include completing the Health and Safety Checklist, which is a tool the CCHCs currently use.

Using the results of the Health and Safety Assessment, together with your CCHC, you will develop a Health and Safety Action Plan, which will outline health and safety goals and determine the steps needed to achieve those goals. This will be a two year plan that can also address emergent health and safety needs, as they arise.

Your CCHC can work with your program on any of the following areas:

  • Illness and Infectious Diseases
  • Safety and Injury Prevention
  • Emergency Preparedness Response and Recovery
  • Nutrition and Physical Activity
  • Staff Health and Wellness
  • Oral Health
  • Children with Special Health Care Needs
  • Medication Administration
  • Child Abuse and Neglect
  • Infant & Child Social and Emotional Wellbeing
  • Environmental Health

You can expect to see these changes starting July 1, 2023. Stay tuned for more communication!

If you have questions about Quality First’s levels of support, don’t hesitate to contact us. Connect with us at QualityFirst@FirstThingsFirst.org or 602.771.5000.