News for Quality First participants.

Our approach to achieving quality is constantly evolving. This means we occasionally make updates to Quality First along the way. As a current participant, you can keep up with program-wide updates, explore helpful tools, or even rewatch meetings you may have missed—it's all here to help our participants succeed.

A Note about Public and Non-Public Ratings

As a Quality First participant, your program earns a star rating following the assessment process. Your rating may be public or non-public, depending on where you are in your quality improvement journey. 

Your Initial Rating 

Your initial rating is completed at the very beginning of your participation. It provides the starting point of your quality improvement journey. This first rating is not public unless you earn a quality-level (3, 4 or 5) rating. If you earn a quality-level rating, it will be publicly posted on the First Things First website for families seeking child care. It will also be shared with the Department of Economic Security (DES) for the purpose of qualifying for DES-tiered reimbursement rates. 

Your Renewal Ratings

Following your initial assessment, you will receive regular renewal assessments approximately every two years. Regardless of star rating level, these renewal ratings will be publicly posted and shared with DES for the purpose of qualifying for tiered reimbursement rates.

Here’s the good news: there is nothing you need to do to have your rating publicly posted and shared with DES. This information will be posted and shared on your behalf.

Remember, no matter your star rating, you have already shown commitment to going above and beyond regulatory requirements by being a part of Quality First. That commitment is something to celebrate!